Discomfort | Dysfunctional

Medium: Acrylic and watercolours on acid-free paper 

8 x 6 inches each
Set of 5
8 x 6 inches each
Each work - Set of 5


The Discomfort series looks at varied iterations of the basic form of a house. Created in quarantine during the Covid pandemic, it explores how the experience inverted the idea of a home – from usually being a space where one returned for rest and respite while the city continued to function, to having the city paused and one’s home being inescapable. Consideration is also given to what a home may mean for different communities of people in such circumstances – whether it’s domestic violence or mental health related consequences.

Also made during the lockdowns, the series Dysfunctional is an extension to the Infrastructure drawings, both are ‘form’ studies of structures. Inspired by Brutalist architecture and Memphis style design which was known to reject functionality, watercolour and acrylic are used on paper to create unstable pillars, impossibly balanced forms, and fragile extensions to existing architecture.

These two series, Discomfort and Dysfunctional works led to the development of ‘The Migrants Have Left’.



All images and site content copyright ©️ 2010-2022 Sameer Kulavoor.