Tag / nh7weekender

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  • The Wire – volume 1 issue 3. This one is for everyone who is going to be at #bacardi #nh7weekender #PUNE

  • I will be at #nh7weekender this weekend where I’ll be drawing on the iconic @godrejchotukool – LIVE at the @chotukool area. Drop by!

  • Original drawing of the #bacardiarena stage at #nh7weekender! #NH7

  • The Wire – #nh7weekender Bengaluru issue. Not to be missed. #NH7 @nh7dotin

  • Resident studio cat spreads out over mockups of The Wire – tabloid designed for the #nh7weekender. #NH7 #nh7kolkata #weekender #thewire @nh7dotin

  • EYE stage taking shape at #bacardi #nh7weekender in Kolkata. #wip. Photo courtesy @nh7dotin

  • #nh7weekender #weekenderwarrior @nh7dotin

  • A peek into the tabloid we’re creating specially for @nh7dotin #nh7weekender 4 cities – 4 different tabloids.

  • Post-it reminders for #nh7weekender #bombayduckdesigns (at Only Much Louder)

  • Poster spotting #nh7weekender @nh7dotin (at Café Zoe)