Tag / hundredpercentzine

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  • BLUEDbook won the ‘blue elephant’ for best book AND the ‘black elephant’ for the best overall piece of design at Kyoorius Designyatra 2014. And HundredPercentZine won the best in magazine design category! 3 elephants in all!  Pic courtesy Prajval Mendon.

  • Me and Lokesh (my co-editor on 100%ZINE) were toying with the idea of publishing a fully screenprinted issue since a while. We managed to do it for our latest issue with the support of our contributing artists, who were quite keen to be a part of this unique issue. Apparently we’re in the age of digital…

  • We’re #nh7weekender ready. Visit our booth for zines, art-books, totes, badges, coasters, mugs, magnets, flipbooks and more. #bombayduckdesigns #locopopo #hundredpercentzine

  • #hundredpercentzine 100%LOCAL Launch + Exhibit + Talk. All set. (at Godrej India Culture Lab)