Since a year, music journalist Arjun S Ravi (editor of Indiecision and co-founder of NH7) has been working on a film/series that documents the beginning and rise of western music in India pre-independence until now. The documentary is called ‘Standing By’.

I have seen the first few episodes and can vouch that this is going to be a landmark documentary about an industry that has always been an alternative to the mainstream. Arjun and team have painstakingly researched and traced the evolution of this ‘industry’, dug into archives and interviewed some of the leading game changers in India to put together an informative and entertaining series. 

The docu is going to be live soon. Watch out for it!

Poster design by Bombay Duck Designs.

PS: Insiders might know but for those who’re curious, the name of the docu comes from here!

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