Medium: Gesso and acrylic paints on found corrugated boxes.
This series draws a connection between corrugated boxes and the state of medium and low income urban housing in high density population areas, the latter being metaphorical boxes – just about meeting the basic requirement of containing humans and their belongings. Multiple lockdowns since the pandemic heightened the glaring lack of space in such areas and the resulting adjustments made to structures and architecture. The temporariness and fragility of these structures reveal the hollow state of social inequity, inequality, politics and corruption. Additionally, influenced by instances of buildings being washed away by floods and the fluctuating inhabitation of urban environments, the fragility of corrugated boxes is used as a replacement for canvas.
On the other hand, the tremendous amount of corrugated boxes in daily use with rampant online shopping and over-consumption is unmissable. The outer shape of the dye-cut unfolded boxes is a subtle reminder of the odd shaped spaces and available floor areas into which housing is somehow retrofitted.
All images and site content copyright ©️ 2010-2022 Sameer Kulavoor.