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  • FILTER KAAPI:The peculiar action of pouring filter Kaapi back and forth between 2 containers in meter long arc-like motions is commonly seen in South Indian coffee stalls. This act serves several different purposes like mixing ingredients thoroughly, cooling the hot coffee down to sipping temperature and most importantly aerating the mixture before serving the customer.…

  • COVER & FEATURE STORY : Graphite drawings and hand drawn type for The Graphic Issue – FEMINA. Click on image to see process drawings. Final result here!

  • #hundredpercentzine 100%LOCAL Launch + Exhibit + Talk. All set. (at Godrej India Culture Lab)

  • Cat is loving the packaging boxes #ohflip

  • #ohflip #wip test prints

  • Springing up all over Bombay #bluedbook #bombayduckdesigns

  • S bridge – mandatory mumbai mondoon pic

  • Cycle drawings by #husain #mfhusain

  • #bluedbook #bombayduckdesigns

  • #bluedbook #bombayduckdesigns #screenprint